International Forest Day

Happy International Forest Day!

As someone who loves trees, I can't help but get excited about this day. Not only are trees beautiful, but they also play a vital role in keeping our planet healthy and thriving.

Did you know that trees help to clean our water? They act as natural filters, removing pollutants and sediment before the water reaches our streams, rivers, and oceans. So the next time you take a sip of clean water, thank the trees for their hard work!

But that's not all - trees are also good for our health and wellbeing. Spending time in nature, particularly among trees, has been shown to reduce stress levels, improve mood, and enhance mental clarity. It's no wonder that in Japan, some doctors prescribe "tree bathing" as a form of therapy!

Living in Portugal, I have a special appreciation for the forests here. Portugal is home to some beautiful forests, including the largest cork oak forest in the world. Cork trees are an iconic symbol of the country's countryside and an essential part of its cultural heritage. Cork is harvested from the bark of the tree, and Portugal produces around half of the world's cork supply. The cork oak forests provide many benefits, including preventing soil erosion, preserving biodiversity, and helping to trap carbon and fight climate change. So let's take a moment today to appreciate and enjoy all the amazing trees around us, whether they're in Portugal or anywhere else in the world.

And don't forget, we all need to do our part to protect and preserve our forests. Let's support sustainable forestry practices, cut back on our use of paper products, and push for policies that keep our precious trees and forests safe and healthy for future generations.

Happy tree-loving, everyone!